Feb 13, 2025  
2024-25 Catalog 
2024-25 Catalog

Russian Minor

(Russian Minor requirements are listed below. Follow this link for the Russian  major requirements.)

Students must complete all of the following requirements in addition to the requirements for a bachelor of arts major to graduate with this minor. Some courses may apply toward multiple requirements.

Minor Requirements:

Total minor units: 4-6, depending on language proficiency

Four to Six Units in Russian, Depending on Language Proficiency:

If Starting with First-Year Russian:

If Starting with Second-Year Russian:

  • (yearlong course)
  • Two additional units at the 200 level or higher (excluding 470)
    ⇒A minimum of one in Russian literature not in translation taken at Reed

If Starting Beyond Second-Year Russian Proficiency:

  • Four units of Russian courses at the 200 level or higher (excluding 470)
    ⇒A minimum of one in Russian literature not in translation taken at Reed
    ⇒A maximum of one may be in RUSS 300