Mar 06, 2025
PHYS 311 - Classical Mechanics I Careful examination of the foundations and limitations of Newtonian mechanics leads to development of the Lagrangian formulation, variational principles, and Hamiltonian mechanics. Applications to the motion of rigid bodies, systems of coupled oscillators, and celestial mechanics are treated as time permits.
Unit(s): 1 Group Distribution Requirement(s): Distribution Group III Prerequisite(s): PHYS 211 (or PHYS 201) and PHYS 202 and MATH 201 and MATH 202 Instructional Method: Lecture Grading Mode: Letter grading (A-F) Group Distribution Learning Outcome(s):
- Use and evaluate quantitative data or modeling, or use logical/mathematical reasoning to evaluate, test or prove statements.
- Given a problem or question, formulate a hypothesis or conjecture, and design an experiment, collect data, or use mathematical reasoning to test or validate it.
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